Step-By-Step Process Of How To Fix A Burn In A Carpet

Although most people exercise a lot of caution to ensure they maintain their carpets in excellent condition, sometimes cigarette stubs may fall and ruin some small part or portion of the carpet such that it needs no replacement but simply a minor repair. You may choose to do the repair yourself or you can hire a professional carpet repair company to do it. Note that the work of repairing carpet may seem simple but sometimes may be a bit laborious. Also, you need to buy some items for repair including adhesive, and it may not be economical if that item cannot be put in to other use.

Here below is a simple guide on how to fix a burn in a carpet.


This method can be used to fix cigarette burn in carpet where the hole or ruin is small and hardly noticeable. It is as simple as this. By use of scissors, you should carefully cut out the section or portion of the carpet that is burnt. Snip away carpet fibers from the hidden parts of the carpet such as behind the door, inside the closet or near a wall. By use of carpet adhesive, glue these carpet fibers on the burnt spot to conceal the ruin.


In situations where the ruin and size of the hole are large, the only way to fix burn hole in carpet fix burn hole in carpet fix burn hole in carpet is by cutting out patch from a remnant of carpet of the same type, or cutting the piece from a hidden portion of the carpet and then affixing it on the location of the run or hole.

This is the procedure:
  • By using utility knife or scissors, cut the burned or ruined part of your carpet.
  • By use of rinse or sponge, clean the holed area of the carpet.
  • Cut out slightly larger patch of replacement carpet from a remnant of the same carpet or from    some hidden portion of the same carpet. Check to ensure that the replacement carpet is very similar to the larger carpet in terms of color, pattern and that its fibers run in same direction.
  •  Place your piece over the cut out area of the burned portion of the carpet.
  •  Using the utility knife, cut around the carpet edges. Also cut   below the carpet and ensure you do not cut to the carpet padding.
  •  Place the replacement carpet patch on the hole left after you cut out the burnt part. NOTE THAT in most cases, burns create abstract shape. For easy repair, when cutting out the burned  part, cut out a rectangle, square or triangle shape. This makes it easy for you to cut a   replacement carpet of similar but slightly larger shape and which you can trim easily to fill the  hole left after cutting out the burnt part.
  •  By use of double side tape or glue, apply the new piece of replacement carpet to the area to be repaired. 
  • Leave it to dry out.


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